Apply for J.S Grey Kindergarten
Join the Centralised Waiting List
The City of Darebin administers the Kindergarten Centralised Waiting List on behalf of 28 community not-for-profit participating services, including J.S Grey Kindergarten.
Applications for 3 and 4 year old Kindergarten open 1 March to 30 June in the year prior to attendance and will be available through the Kindergarten as well as online via the City of Darebin’s Portal.
We participate in the Darebin twilight open evening each March. This is an opportunity for you to learn more about our kindergarten and decide if we are the right choice for your child. We are also happy to take you on a tour of the Kindergarten. Please see our tour page for dates.
When you apply through the Kindergarten Centralised Waiting List you will need to state your preferred kindergarten/s. You will then be notified by the council during July / August as to whether you have a place in the kindergarten of your choice.
Get in contact
Please feel free to contact us at J.S Grey Kindergarten for any questions you may have about our Kindergarten service. You can also contact City of Darebin for further information about the Kindergarten Centralised Waiting List on (03) 8470 8825 or by email at